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Checking In With Haiyan Families
Checking in with relatives of 5 of 10 families we helped after Haiyan, and adding another one to our wing. Gerry Abadiano was about to...

Origami Owl Fundraising Party
A Jewelry Bar is a fun and exciting way to create stylish and customizable jewelry while sharing and inspiring others with your personal...

Giving when you don't have any
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending Dreamforce 2014 in San Francisco and I was lucky enough to watch one of the keynote...

Panda Express Fundraiser
A small gathering of our friends and volunteers. Even in small ways we try to raise funds so we are ready to help when needed!

What is a 501 (c) (3)
This section is an informational page about registered 501(c)(3) organizations. Obviously, the content will concentrate on disaster...

iPrevail Gets 120k in Grants
iPrevail received a grant worth $120,000 annually in the form of online advertising budget. This will help create awareness for our...

Partnership with WE Philippines
We International Philippines receives a $2500 grant from iPrevail to help the 9 families still in need of rebuilding their homes and...

iPrevail Gets 501(c)(3) certification
iPrevail receives 501 (c) (3) determination letter. from IRS, Check out or

Florida approved to receive contributions
"Dec 23, 2013 iPrevail receives official approval for Florida Solicitation of Contributions under Registration Number CH40103"
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