Volunteer Event Raises $1,000A third party organized event featuring the best aerial, pole, fire and dance performers in Orlando raised $1000 and donated all proceeds to iPrevail.DSC_375412142013 2527DSC_3721DSC_364812142013 251912142013 252612142013 251512142013 251212142013 2514DSC_381812142013 2511DSC_3645DSC_3692DSC_3675DSC_3670DSC_364912142013 253912142013 2767
A third party organized event featuring the best aerial, pole, fire and dance performers in Orlando raised $1000 and donated all proceeds to iPrevail.DSC_375412142013 2527DSC_3721DSC_364812142013 251912142013 252612142013 251512142013 251212142013 2514DSC_381812142013 2511DSC_3645DSC_3692DSC_3675DSC_3670DSC_364912142013 253912142013 2767